If you’re moving your website to Slamdot, or your website is in development by our team, and the domain name has not been pointed to the necessary Slamdot Name Servers yet, you can test out and view your website by going to the following URL:
http:// YourFullDomainName.ServerName.clientsites.com
Examples would be:
http:// acmegifts.com.rambi.clientsites.com http:// abcautomotive.net.winky.clientsites.com
To find the correct server name for your Slamdot account and website, visit /login and login with the email address you used to sign-up for your Slamdot account, along with your password. If you forgot your password, you can recover it here. Once you’re logged in, click on the hosting plan under your list of “Plans,” which is typically your domain name, and scroll down on the next screen to the “Quick Reference” section and look under Hosting Information for Your server.
You can still use http://server/~username, as well. You can find your username under the same Quick Reference > Hosting Information section above next to FTP username.