You can add individual images throughout the text of your page or post. This is different than adding a full gallery of photos to a page or post, which has evenly spaced rows and columns. To find out how to add a full photo gallery, visit this help article:
If you simply want to insert images throughout your page, follow these steps to upload and add an image to your page or post:
- Click the “Add image” button next to Upload/Insert above the main toolbar (it’s a box within a box).
- Locate the image on your computer by clicking the “Select Files” button, and the image file will begin uploading to WordPress.
- Give the image a Title, keeping in mind that this is something that search engines can see, so use keywords when possible. Also remember at the same time that people will be able to see this title when they hover over the picture, so use something that makes sense, too.
- If you want a detailed description about a picture, when uploading the picture add the description in the “Description” field and click on Post URL for the “Link URL” field. When someone clicks on the picture it will then take them to another page with the picture and description. Otherwise, click “None” next to the “Link URL” field to keep the image from being hyperlinked at all.
- After choosing size and alignment you will click on “Insert into Post” to add the image directly to the page or post. Try to keep the size between thumbnail and medium.
- After the picture is uploaded onto the page you can always hover over the image, click the picture icon to edit it, and resize it as necessary and/or choose the alignment on the page (left, center, right, etc).
- Make sure that you click the “Update” button on the right to save changes with the image on the page.