Beyond SEO - Organization & User Experience

    May 06, 2014 Jessica Jones

    What’s more important than SEO? User experience. All the SEO work in the world won’t do you any good if users come to your site and then leave in frustration....
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    A Picture is Worth A Whole Lotta Words - Photography and Your Site

    Apr 07, 2014 Jessica Jones

    Back in January I wrote a post about copyright infringement and how to avoid it, and in that post I touched briefly on the topic of stock photography. Today we’re...
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    Web Design, Your Logo and You: Don't Be A Statistic!

    Mar 31, 2014 Jessica Jones

    There are four words that will automatically make most design professionals cringe: “Make the logo bigger.”
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    It's 10:00 … Do You Know Where Your Domain Is?

    Nov 22, 2013 Jessica Jones

    Recently we posted about the soon to be available new gTLDs and what they mean to you. Discussing gTLDs inevitably leads to discussion of what your ideal domain would be...
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    Websites That Work: Getting Your Website Built

    Oct 17, 2013 Daniel Monday

    So far, you’ve chosen and secured your domain name, and setup your web hosting service. Now, the third and final piece is actually getting your website developed!
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    Mobile Readiness - Responsive Sites vs. Mobile Sites

    Oct 10, 2013 Jessica Jones

    With more and more internet traffic coming from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets there is increasing emphasis being put on the importance of having a website that is...
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    Websites That Work: Choosing Your Web Hosting Service Provider

    Sep 12, 2013 Daniel Monday

    Now that you have your domain name secured, the second piece of your web presence that you’ll need is your web hosting service, which is a monthly service (can be...
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    Websites That Work: Choosing and Securing Your Domain Name

    Aug 21, 2013 Daniel Monday

    Your domain name (i.e. is the first of three necessary pieces to have a website presence that’s publicly accessible. It’s the least expensive piece, averaging about $10-15 per year...
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    Websites That Work: Intro to Developing and Marketing Your Website

    Aug 12, 2013 Daniel Monday

    Since Google has become the new way for people to find products, services and businesses, a sound website presence is vital to your company’s success, no matter what you sell...
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