Dec 18, 2014 • Jessica Jones
We had our Ribbon Cutting & Holiday Open House on Friday, December 12th, and we had a blast. If you showed up, we hope you did too! And if not, we hope you’ll visit us for our next open house!
<figcaption id="caption-attachment-3002" class="wp-caption-text">Daniel about to be interviewed on Knox Talk Radio.</figcaption></figure>
The day started early for yours truly - my alarm went off at 4am so that I could get to the store and let Mike and his cohorts with Knox Talk Radio in to broadcast the Rude Awakening show. Once they’d gotten settled in I mostly stayed out of the way, drinking coffee and playing World of Warcraft on my laptop until it was time to open the store. Several awesome folks stopped by bright and early to drop off toys for our toy drive, pick up Knox Talk Radio t-shirts and register for our drawing for an iPad.
<figcaption id="caption-attachment-3012" class="wp-caption-text">That ribbon is going DOWN!</figcaption></figure>
The show did a great job of kicking off the day and reminding people about the event, and sure enough come 4pm (after a lot of bustling setup on the part of your friendly neighborhood Slamdot crew) we were blessed with an excellent turnout! Once everyone had had a chance to do some meeting & greeting (and a bit of snacking!) we proceeded outside for the ribbon cutting. Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett was there to show his support and speak a few words, and Sean, our Fearless Leader, spoke as well - though everyone kept their speeches perhaps briefer than they had planned, given that the weather was a little on the chilly side!
There are so many people we want to thank! We’re grateful to everyone who showed up to support us and have a good time with us, and special thanks to everyone who generously donated toys to our toy drive. The donations were for the Child Advocacy Center, and they will absolutely make great use of them.
<figcaption id="caption-attachment-3006" class="wp-caption-text">Santa visits with the littlest members of the Slamdot team!</figcaption></figure>
Thank you to Mayor Burchett for joining us! Thank you to both the Knoxville Chamber and the Farragut West Knox Chamber for all of your ongoing support! Thank you to Cazzy’s Corner Grill for the delicious food - that crab dip was getting a ton of great press, and while I agree it was amazing, the bourbon sauce was what stole the show for me. Thank you, of course, to Rita’s for the ice and custard - I looked forward to that all week, and it surely did not disappoint!
Big thank yous to The Casual Pint Northshore both for bringing their awesome beer and for donating gift baskets, and to Jerry and Judy with Bag O’ Wine for serving wine to our guests! Thank you also to Froyoz for donating gift certificates!
And of course, thanks to Santa Claus himself for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit with us and all of our friends! He was certainly a popular guy that evening - and I think he fielded quite a few present requests! Santa, if you’re reading this, I may have forgotten to tell you, but you can have my Loki collectible figurine delivered to me at my home address!
From all of us here at Slamdot, big huge thank yous to everyone who was involved in our event, and everyone who has helped and supported us through the years to get us to where we are today! We wish you all the best of holiday seasons!